Trust Your Data

Rely On The Outcome

Our Mission: To Improve Your Data Quality

What is Data Quality?

Data Quality & Testing is a crucial part of any software development process. It helps ensure that the software being developed meets the required quality standards and is bug-free. Here are example problems that X-AutoMate would solve in your organization:

Poor Quality Testing

The AI/ML capabilities of the application can help to provide efficient testing and reduce the number of manual errors, streamlining the testing process and improving the overall quality of the data.

Unclear Test Goals

X-AutoMate is capable of scanning metadata to propose recommended tests & dq checks, streamlining the testing process by providing guidance to end users.

Production Incidents

X-AutoMate helps to shift left, detecting issues early in the development process and reducing the risk of production incidents.

Slow testing

Scheduling, orchestration and executions enable faster testing, reducing the time required for delivering new features and allowing you to focus on other critical aspects of software development life cycle.

Experience the possibilities of our app, and see how it can revolutionize your data testing and quality assurance processes.

Your Dream. Our Mission.

Business Benefits

Our clients have been able to significantly reduce test automation time and costs. Our main business objectives are:

Accelerating your time-to-market up to

Faster deployment to production
2 X

Enhancing your data quality, which builds trust with your end users.

Cost savings
0 X

By streamlining manual tasks within your organization

Technical Features

We offer flexible and scalable deployment options, making it easy to integrate with existing systems. With a mature API, advanced execution & orchestration mechanism, advanced monitoring and reporting systems, data export to export to version control system features and compatibility with multiple database technologies, it is a solution for efficient data testing that supports external tests and is easily extensible.

We do not store any client data.

System Integration

X-AutoTest streamlines the data testing workflow by combining tickets with test cases and data quality rules, resulting in a consistent process. With bi-directional synchronization and integration with tools such as AzureDevOps, Jira, Active Directory, SMTP, 1Password, and GIT, it offers seamless collaboration, increased efficiency, and added security. 

Monitoring And Reporting

The reporting and monitoring features of our app provide a comprehensive solution for ensuring the accuracy and integrity of data in your warehouse. Whether you need to keep track of coverage, generate reports or receive notifications, our app is here to help. 

X-AutoMate Makes Your Testing

X-AutoMate Makes

Your Testing

E2E Approach

Automate your CRM, ERP, Mainframe, Web, Mobile and follow your data from creation process to data collection/reporting

DAG / Workflows

Orchestrate your test with our powerful orchestration module including the dependency management

Schedule your tests

Schedule your executions to run any time. As part of your ci/cd or at a given time/state

Data Quality We take Care Of Data

Data Quality

We take

Care Of Data

X-AutoMate Can Help You DetectPreventImproveCureEliminate Your Data Quality Issues​


Measure And Follow Up​

By utilising our AI/ML capabilities we can help you to understand current state of your data


Block bad data from entering BI landscape

By integrating X-AutoMate towards your ETL/ELT and data pipelines we can help you implement a data quality firewall and block bad data from entering your BI/Analytical landscape


Progression and Regression Testing ​

By utilizing easy to implement & maintain X-AutoMate test approaches we can ensure high data quality in every release to production


Start Testing Your Source Systems

By extending your testing to source systems and creating E2E test scenarios we can stop bad data quality from occurring in the first place

Frequently Asked Questions

Find answers for your question now!

Which platforms does X-AutoMate provide support in E2E testing scenarios?

We follow an open source standard and our end-to-end solution spans across various technologies such as APIs, frontend applications, desktop applications and even mainframes – utilising our smart adoption technology.

Where can I install X-AutoMate?

Our solution is designed to be containerized, which offers flexibility in its usage. It can be run on various platforms such as virtual machines, Kubernetes clusters, or any Docker runtime. (Cloud or on-premise)

How do I get X-AutoMate?

To schedule a demo, please get in touch with us

What are the databases supported by X-AutoMate?

X-AutoMate supports:

  • MySQL
  • Redshift
  • PostgreSQL
  • Databricks
  • Snowflake

out of the box, with possibility of expansion.

Can X-AutoMate be controlled from CI/CD Pipelines?

Absolutely! Every action in X-AutoMate can be triggered from API.

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Our team has over 20 years of experience in software development, data warehousing and IT operations. We pride ourselves on providing our clients with a high quality service and ensuring the highest quality of your data. At the heart of our business is a focus on data quality and testing, which we believe is necessary to make accurate decisions.
We are committed to providing innovative solutions, superior customer service and the highest level of expertise to meet your software development and IT needs.

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